Saturday, June 1, 2013

Graduation Day Part II


How's life?  I think, you always good than yesterday. Amin. Guys, today i will be a girl because in my school will be held a graduation day part II. It means Purnawiyata or if you don't know, purnawiyata is wisuda. Hehe. Yaaa, graduation part I is at 25th May 2013 yaaa. Oh yaaa guys, you have to know something when graduation day. Really i don't want to use make up, use high heels, use javanese blouse (kebaya) because it makes me can't move on in one place to another place. It makes me stuck on this place and feel this warm condition that i want to feel that. Today, i use a green javanese blouse with a modern bun ( i don't know what the name is ) but, my friend say that my bun is so funny. Haha, i just can laugh. 
Oh yaaa, today i meet with boy. You know, he's so cute. I can't give you a detail about him, but he looks different. Yaaa, because today i don't use my eyeglasses, i think the best way is use soft lens, but mommy doesn't suggest about it, so i think, i have to be more carefull. 
And the wrong way number two are i don't bring my camera. I think, if i bring my camera, i can't leave it alone. So, i take a easy way is don't bring it and borrow my friend's camera haha sorry guys, i always troublesome of you :( but, i hope you say oke, fine to me hahaha. LOL! Oh, today i use my new shoes from UP yaaa, you know UP is a good brand ever i know. UP gives us a comfortable shoes without feel sick in our foot and loooookkkksss very chic and beauty :) I use kyle black for my graduation day and my momma said that i'm beautifull today ^^ thankyou mom. 
Guys, do you ever think that we have to look beautifull everyday? I think so. But, maybe we have a different perception. I think, for look beauty, we just need to be ourself. Because, if we are not to be ourself, i think another people thinks that we don't have a speciality. I know, we have a speciality. But, all of it dependents with how we bring this speciality? We bring a good way, that speciality will be good. We bring a bad way, i think, that speciality will be a bad too. So, don't feel that you don't have a speciality. I know, you have a speciality in yourself. But, you don't know where is your speciality. Haha. Like me! I don't ever know what is my speciality? But, my friends, my parents, my beloved peoples always say about something that is in me. So, i realize that it is my speciality. Don't think that you can't do anything. I know you can, but yourself ignore it. And you have to find a way in order to yourself respect with it. 
I know, sometimes, i'm nervous. But, with support from my friends, my parents, and my beloved people, i think, i don't need to nervous again. Haha. Because, it will makes you never ever grow up. Haha believe me! So, change your mind when you have a chance in this world ;) 

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