Friday, March 7, 2014

No. There is not important.

Good afternoon! I'm back! I'm back!
After absences and lie to write on the blog everyday. But, for now, I'M BACK! 
I'm back because i really miss you to write anything and share our story that i never tell to you. Oke, as you know, i am really fine today. I hope you too. The health is very expensive and see about the bad weather that it could make you sick. So, take many rests guys! Don't get too tired. Do it something slowly and believe it can be finished just in time. 
So, on February, i have done KRS in my campus. I got M class and i couldn't get the same class with someone. I've just known that data entry began at 00:00 p.m. So, i didn't entry my name there and just surrendered with Allah SWT that my friends and I can tried for got the class. I know, maybe it was a sign that Allah SWT gave to me about my wish. Maybe, we couldn't get to be close. I try to realize it and understand about what Allah's plan. 
Someday, i met him. He talked to me, but it was not too long. Because, he got the class. Maybe, it was a Allah's plan for a missed that i always felt. Now, i feel relieved. I don't make a hope too much, because i know it just make me slumped over in.  So, i just want to make everything be clear. Everything that always stand in front of me (read: it's not clear), i dont wanna to see it. I just want to see things clear. 
A girl just need something be clear. Not something can be complicated. I think, many people want it. So, make everything clear. And you will understand. 

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