Wednesday, June 13, 2012

the different between you and me

you say that you can life happily with him
you say that you gonna do anything
you say that you can give him some smile
you say that love should be pursued

and I ..
i say that i can life happily without him
i say that i gonna do anything without him
i say that i can stand alone here
i say that i can give everyone some smile
i say that love doesnt have to be pursued

ya, because if he is our soulmate, then he will come back to us. we try to hardly, but if he isnt for us, for what we continued to maintain it?
why we dont find someone else?
why we're stuck by ourselves?
please, stand!
stand alone!
dont afraid that you cant stand alone. i'm sure that you can stand alone without him. dont depended 'cause of him!
we have to show them that we are super woman!
we are not weak woman. we are strong.

- Oktavia R -

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